How your legislator voted on recent legislation
House Bill 1086, Adopting a 2009-11 Supplemental Operating Budget
ESHB 1086, which provides additional savings in the 2009-11 biennial budget, passed the House by a vote of 55 to 43. ESHB 1086 reduces the total state deficit by $345 million, eliminating $222 million in current spending and $123 million in fund transfers. The spending reductions were accomplished by reducing spending across many state agencies and a series of fund transfers. The largest cuts were made to programs at the Department of Social Health Services and educations services. ESHB 1086 is now before the Senate for further consideration.
41st District, Rep. Judy Clibborn, (D-Mercer Island) – Y
41st District, Rep. Marcie Maxwell, (D-Renton) – Y
48th District, Rep. Deborah Eddy, (D-Kirkland) – Y
48th District, Rep. Ross Hunter, (D-Medina) – Y
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