Series to discuss ins and outs of college admission

A free series will be offered at the Bellevue Regional Library on how to choose the right college and get through the application process.

A free series will be offered at the Bellevue Regional Library on how to choose the right college and get through the application process.

Registration for all four sessions began September 1.

The first session, Finding the Right Colleges for You, will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, September 28. The seminar will teach how to be a savvy college shopper and discuss ways to recognize what types of colleges might be good fits, discuss how to evaluate the many factors that need to be considered like size, location and majors, and share some of the college insights we’ve learned from students who are now flourishing at their chosen colleges.

The second session, College Admissions 101, will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 5 and will answer the question, “What are colleges really looking for?” The session will discuss such things as grades, test scores and activities, and if it is true that having a connection to someone can get you in.

Session three will discuss “How to Write Great College Essays” and will be offered at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 12.

The session will deal with what college admissions officers actually want to read about, or that great college essays need to be written very differently from the essays assigned in high school English classes. The session also will reveal the five most overused essay topics on which far too many kids rely, and teach writing techniques that will help any student write more engaging and effective college essays.

The final session, Applying to College in a Recession, will be offered at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 19.

The session will discuss how colleges – from small liberal arts schools on the East Coast to the colleges in this area – are changing the way they admit students, and how students applying to college must adapt to these changes.

Registration for all sessions is available at