The word “science” brings to mind many different pictures: beakers, white lab coats and microscopes, textbooks or maybe an astronomer peering through a telescope. But it also can mean getting your hands dirty and doing some cool experiments.
This fall, high school and home school students have the opportunity to step away from the typical high school chemistry curriculum and discover what it’s like to be real scientists at the Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center in Bellevue, a collaboration between the City of Bellevue and Pacific Science Center, an independent, not-for-profit educational institution. Utilizing state-of-the-art laboratory and field equipment, students will participate in hands-on investigations of the Mercer Slough, taking advantage of the living laboratory of the wetland.
Seminars include 16 sessions meeting twice a week either in the morning or after school. Registration is now open for seminars starting in October.
Located on a biologically diverse 320-acre wetland nature park in the heart of Bellevue, the center serves all ages. Pacific Science Center provides science-based education programs targeted to youth and. With the same focus, the City of Bellevue provides environmental interpretive programs for adults and families. The city also maintains the property.
To learn more about Mercer Slough Nature Park or adult and family programs stop by the Visitor Center and talk to a Park Ranger or visit To explore Pacific Science Center programs for youth and families, visit To register for the Wetlab Academy call 425-450-0207.