Third generation Eagle Scout project improves south Bellevue

Dillon More, 17, Life Scout in Troop 606 of Bellevue completed his Eagle Scout Leadership Project on Nov. 14. In the fall Dillon met with Christina Brown, the Environmental Programs Coordinator for the Bellevue Parks and Community Services Department and together they planned a restoration planting project on Forest Drive in south Bellevue.

Dillon directed over 20 Scout and adult leaders from his troop on where all the specific trees and shrubs were to be planted and his troop spent the day unloading plants, digging holes and then planting over 200 native trees and shrubs along the road, increasing the forest canopy cover along the roadway and thereby improving the health and aesthetics in that area.

The project took close to 100 man hours including all the planning, prep, and planting.

One of the adult Scout leaders on hand to help with the planting was John McGaw, who has been the Bellevue Scout Master for Troop 606 for almost 40 years.

Dillon is a senior at Sammamish High School in Bellevue and is the son of William Russell Jr. and Leigh Ann More of Bellevue.

After completing all the requirements, Dillon will be the third generation of Eagle Scout recipients in his family following his father and his grandfather, William Russell More Sr.