Volunteers sought to help with tax preparations

The local AARP Tax-Aide Program is seeking volunteer tax counselors to provide free personal income tax preparation and counseling, with special attention to those age 60 and older and to low and middle-income taxpayers.

Volunteers are trained during December and January, using IRS-provided training material and tax preparation software. Computer skills are required; in Washington most tax returns are filed electronically.

Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. People don’t need to be an AARP member or a retiree to volunteer, or to receive tax preparation assistance from AARP Tax-Aide. Counselors are expected to work four hours a week – many work longer if able. Tax service takes place during the February 1-April 15 filing season at several local sites.

AARP also is recruiting for client facilitators who staff the “front desk” at the sites to meet and greet customers and perform limited initial screening. They don’t prepare tax returns. Computer skills are not required for client facilitator positions.

Those interested in volunteering can complete a brief online registration form at www.aarp.org/taxaide, or call AARP toll free at 1-888-687-2277.