Muslims represent Islam as a whole | Letter

I am so sick and tired of whiners complaining about how fearful they are ("Fear, stigma affect Muslim Bellevue residents," March 22 print edition). You live in America. We have accepted you. Believe as you like. Worship as you like.

I am so sick and tired of whiners complaining about how fearful they are (“Fear, stigma affect Muslim Bellevue residents,” March 22 print edition). You live in America. We have accepted you. Believe as you like. Worship as you like.

Unlike most of the Muslim world, we have freedom and we cherish it. Threats to our way of life, primarily coming from those who claim to be followers of Mohammed, are serious.

Are Christians targeting others with nail bombs in backpacks? Are citizens routinely assaulting Muslims? Are mosques being repeatedly vandalized? Are innocents worldwide continually murdered by Islamic radicals?

When is the last time the local imam vociferously denounced violence? If Islam is such a peaceful religion, then why is it so difficult to find examples?If you are a Muslim, then you are “a representation of Islam as a whole,” whether you want to accept that role or not. It’s the same for practicing Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs — anyone who claims to be a member of group — whether it’s a religion or not.

I have no problems with Muslims who have adopted our way of life. It’s those clinging to the barbarism of the past who are the problem. For those who refuse to become American, go home. Assimilate or leave.

Aaron J. Hill
