
An Honest Review of the VitalRelease Back Stretching Device: Does It Live Up to the Hype?

VitalRelease is a back pain relief and posture correction system that is available exclusively online.

As part of a 2024 promotion, you can get immediate access to the entire VitalRelease system for “free”—pay a $9.95 shipping fee.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about VitalRelease and how it works today.

What is VitalRelease?

VitalRelease is a physical device that helps relieve back pain and correct posture.

Your VitalRelease purchase includes the device itself, along with a package of videos, guides, and other tools to help you get the most out of It.

VitalRelease was developed by a chiropractor to target the root cause of back pain: spinal stress. Over time, your vertebrae compress, narrowing the space between joints and putting pressure on your back. Using VitalRelease daily can promote lasting relief from back pain and stiffness.

Normally priced at $114, VitalRelease is available for just a $9.95 shipping fee online today. You pay for shipping and then get immediate access to the VitalRelease bundle of digital products while waiting for the VitalRelease device itself to arrive at your doorstep.

Relieve back pain fast! Get VitalRelease for just $9.95 shipping today.

VitalRelease Benefits

Some of the benefits of VitalRelease include:

  • Relieve back pain and stiffness at home in under 60 seconds
  • Easy-to-use, unique back pain therapy device
  • Promote mobility
  • Created in partnership with renowned chiropractor
  • Comes with a package of videos and bonus guides
  • Backed by 60-day moneyback guarantee

How Does VitalRelease Work?

VitalRelease works using the power of spinal decompression to relieve back pain and stiffness.

Specifically, VitalRelease claims to target the real cause of low back pain and sciatica: spinal stress. Compressing your spine can promote relaxation and mobility while helping to relieve stiffness.

For example, instead of feeling stiff and sore when you wake up in the morning, you can enjoy life without discomfort.

To do that, VitalRelease harnesses your body’s “innate healing power.” The device was created by a chiropractor who wanted to design a powerful, at-home spinal decompression therapy device to help promote lasting relief.

You can buy VitalRelease online today, receive the device within days, and use the included videos and guides to get the most out of It.

Say goodbye to back pain! Order VitalRelease now for only the cost of shipping.

VitalRelease Targets the Root Cause of Back Pain: Spinal Stress

Many people with back pain have tried everything to help the condition – but nothing works. These people are actually ignoring the root cause of back pain: a condition called spinal stress.

Here’s how the makers of VitalRelease explain the dangers of spinal stress:

“There’s one underlying cause of back pain that is often ignored…spinal stress…Gravity is constantly exerting pressure on our spine. Over time, this pressure can lead to the compression of the vertebrae.”

When your vertebrae compress, the spaces between vertebrae narrow. This pressure causes discs to squeeze, putting additional pressure on the surrounding nerves, leading to back pain.

Worse, all of this pressure can misalign vertebrae over time, putting additional strain on surrounding muscles and ligaments. Your body fights to correct these imbalances, making back pain worse and worse.

What Causes Spinal Stress?

VitalRelease is built to target the root cause of back pain: spinal stress. But what causes spinal stress in the first place?

Some of the causes of spinal stress, according to the makers of VitalRelease:

  • Office chairs are “like torture devices for our backs” because they force you to sit in an unnatural position – like hunched over – for extended periods.
  • Car seats also force our bodies into an awkward position while compressing the spine. The more you drive, the greater this spinal pressure can become.
  • Poor posture. Most people don’t walk or stand as they should, and many of us are hunched over. Over time, this poor posture leads to back pain.
  • Normal aging. As you age, the discs between vertebrae naturally lose moisture and elasticity. They’re more susceptible to damage. Even if you’re standing straight and doing everything right, you might experience back pain because of aging.

Many people undergo traditional back pain relief procedures to help. Unfortunately, these procedures often fall short because they ignore the root cause of back pain: spinal stress.

VitalRelease was designed to help. By performing 1 to 2 minute movements on VitalRelease daily, you can relieve spinal stress and target the root cause of back pain.

Feel the relief! Get VitalRelease for just $9.95 shipping and start today.

How VitalRelease Uses Spinal Decompression to Help with Back Pain

VitalRelease is designed to help with back pain using the power of spinal decompression. This simple idea is based on the fact that to target spinal stress, we need to relieve stress or pressure between vertebrae.

Here’s how VitalRelease implements spinal decompression for lasting back pain relief:

When you perform 1 to 2 minutes of movement with VitalRelease, you’re using the power of spinal decompression to target back pain.

Specifically, this type of spinal decompression encourages discs to move back to their proper position.

Instead of being twisted, out of place, and stressing surrounding muscles and tendons, your vertebrae will move back into alignment. This relieves stress on muscles and tendons across your back, encouraging lasting relief from back pain.

When your vertebrae are aligned, it relieves pressure on the nerves, eliminating the source of back pain. Instead of pinching nerves, your vertebrae are aligned to promote normal movement and pain relief.

VitalRelease Features: What Makes VitalRelease Unique?

There are other at-home back pain relief devices available today. What makes VitalRelease unique? Why pick VitalRelease over competing devices?

Here are some of the differences between VitalRelease and other back stretchers and back pain relief devices:

  • Sleek, Lightweight, & Portable: VitalRelease is designed to fit into any home. It’s a small, portable device that looks sleek and modern. You can easily store it in a closet when not using it for back pain. VitalRelease is about the size of a laptop and has a stylish, curved design.
  • Designed by Chiropractor: VitalRelease was developed by a medical professional, chiropractor Dr. Grindstaff, who used his knowledge of “spinal biomechanics” and spinal stress to create the ultimate back pain relief device.
  • 3 Adjustable Traction Points: Most back stretchers have a single adjustable traction point. VitalRelease has three points, making it easy to customize treatment to your unique needs and back. Lie on the device, then adjust the traction points until comfortable.
  • Ergonomic for Optimal Spinal Alignment: VitalRelease has an ergonomic, curved design that meshes with the contours of your spine. Instead of being awkward and uncomfortable, It molds into your back for optimal relief.
  • Sturdy, Well-Constructed, & Durable: While some back pain relief devices are made from cheap plastic, VitalRelease is built to last.
  • Usable in Small Spaces: You don’t need a large room to use VitalRelease. In fact, you can use it in a small space – like an office or dorm room – with ease. If you have space to lie down, you can use VitalRelease easily.
  • Easy for Anyone to Use: VitalRelease is designed to be easy for anyone with no experience required to use it. Even if you’ve never used an at-home back pain therapy device before, you can easily use VitalRelease.

Experience lasting back pain relief with VitalRelease. Order now for $9.95 shipping.

How to Use VitalRelease

VitalRelease is designed to be easy for anyone to use.

Here’s how Dr. Grindstaff and his team recommend using VitalRelease:

  • Lay down and position VitalRelease under your lower back
  • Use the three traction points to adjust VitalRelease to your comfort level
  • Relax and let the device do its job

Many people find VitalRelease eases pain in as little as 1 to 2 minutes of treatment. Just lie down, let VitalRelease relieve spinal pressure, and wait for relief. The longer and more consistently you use VitalRelease, the greater the relief could be.

Some use VitalRelease once per day – say, after a long day of work or before bed. Others use it before or after the gym, early in the morning, or whenever else they need help with pain and stiffness.

What to Expect After Using VitalRelease

The primary goal of VitalRelease is to provide rapid and sustained relief from back pain and stiffness.

Here are some of the results you could experience after using VitalRelease:

  • Lasting, Effective Relief from Back Pain: According to the manufacturer, VitalRelease provides “lasting, effective relief from even the most stubborn back pain. “Some people featured on the official website appear to have suffered from back pain for years before finding relief with VitalRelease.
  • Promote Increased Circulation: Back pain pinches nerves and cuts off circulation, leading to health risks in other body parts. VitalRelease claims to “promote increased circulation and nutrient flow,” helping blood, oxygen, and nutrients flow wherever they need to go.
  • Promote Mobility & Relieve Stiffness: Many people use VitalRelease to relieve stiffness. A stiff back makes it hard to move around. VitalRelease can help relax tense muscles, promote mobility, and ease stiffness.
  • Get Back to Doing the Things You Love: Many VitalRelease users find they can better resume normal activities with the device. They’re golfing again, playing with kids and grandkids, and driving without pain, for example, because of VitalRelease.
  • Works on Virtually Everyone: According to the manufacturer, VitalRelease is “for all people,” regardless of age, gender, experience, or fitness level. Whether you’re at the gym every day or you hardly move at all, VitalRelease may be able to help target your back pain.

Don’t wait—get VitalRelease for back pain relief today for just $9.95 shipping.

What’s Included with VitalRelease?

Your VitalRelease purchase includes the VitalRelease back pain relief device, digital guides, and videos. You also get a 21-day trial to the CTU Lifestyle community.

You get immediate access to all of these digital products today. Then, you wait for the VitalRelease device itself to arrive at your doorstep within 3 to 5 business days. For a one-time shipping fee of just $9.95, you get access to all of these items, collectively valued at $114.


Here’s everything you get when you buy VitalRelease online today:

  • VitalRelease Device: The core of the VitalRelease back pain relief program is the VitalRelease device itself. This device can help relieve tension and pain in your back in just 60 seconds per day or less. The device is valued at $47 and is shipped directly to your doorstep within days of ordering.
  • How to Use VitalRelease (Video Series): Your purchase also includes a video tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to use VitalRelease to get rapid results. You can discover the best practices for using VitalRelease at home, how to target back pain in 60 seconds with VitalRelease, and how to safely use VitalRelease to help with stiffness and tension. VitalRelease is designed to be easy for anyone to use regardless of their level of expertise. In this 9-minute video, you can discover exactly how to use VitalRelease.
  • 7 Movements for a Healthy Back (eBook): Discover seven additional movements you can perform for a healthy back with or without VitalRelease. These stretches can easily be performed at home to relieve pain and stiffness. According to the official VitalRelease website, these movements help “eliminate back pain even faster” while releasing tension in your spinal cord. You get a complete, step-by-step eBook guide and pictures explaining how to perform those movements at home.
  • 5 Stretches to Keep You Young (eBook): Some stretches can promote anti-aging effects, helping you look and feel young. In this eBook, valued at $27, you can discover stretches to strengthen and tone your body and prevent pain from returning in the future. You get a step-by-step explanation of the stretches along with full-color images.
  • 21-Day Free Trial to CTU Lifestyle Community: You get 21 days of free access to the Change That Up (CTU) Lifestyle Community. After the 21-day trial is over, you’re automatically charged the normal subscription fee of $39.95 per month until you cancel. Contact CTU at any time within the 21-day trial to avoid future charges. The community offers tips for back pain – including a premium video series to help eliminate joint pain, lose weight, and feel happier and healthier. Some of the tips come from wellness experts, and these tips can help with weight loss, joint pain relief, sleep, energy, and more. Plus, you can share successes and challenges with other like-minded community members.

Scientific Evidence

VitalRelease was developed by a chiropractor and is based on the power of spinal decompression therapy. Below, we’ll evaluate the science behind the back pain relief program.

First, non-surgical spinal decompression was shown to reduce pain caused by a herniated disc in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 30 patients. Researchers found that those in the spinal decompression group experienced a significant decrease in pain compared to those in the control group.

Other studies, however, have acknowledged a lack of overall evidence supporting non-surgical spinal decompression. In a 2007 review in Chiropractic & Osteopathy, for example, researchers found only one randomized controlled trial and several smaller trials validating the use of spinal decompression. Researchers concluded there was “limited evidence” to justify the use of spinal decompression.

In some cases, it may be more effective to combine multiple therapies. One study found that non-surgical spinal decompression worked well when combined with physical therapy, for example. Researchers found that the combination improved pain, range of motion, endurance, and functional movement after four weeks of treatment more than physical therapy alone.

Overall, people experience back pain for different reasons. However, spinal decompression therapy – like the therapy used by VitalRelease – has been shown to promote back pain relief in multiple patients with different types of back pain.

Get back to life without pain. Order VitalRelease now for just the cost of shipping!

VitalRelease Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Some customers appear to have experienced significant relief from pain, stiffness, and mobility issues after using VitalRelease.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

One customer used to have stiffness and muscle cramping after working long hours at her desk job. After using VitalRelease for just a few minutes per day, she experienced “immediate results,” and her “tightness vanished.”

Another verified user claims to have had “ongoing back issues” before using VitalRelease. He found VitalRelease provided a “gentle stretch” that improved his overall posture. After just a week of using VitalRelease, he has found it “made a huge difference.”

One woman featured on the official website describes VitalRelease as “amazing” for being “easy and simple” while still producing “tremendous results.” Now, she has “no more discomfort” thanks to VitalRelease.

Some have used VitalRelease to target specific conditions – like sciatica. One woman claims her sciatic nerve pain “was gone” after using VitalRelease for just three days, for example.

Another verified user claims his “back pain was gone” after using VitalRelease for just 5 minutes.

One busy mom had “frequent back pain” before using VitalRelease. After using VitalRelease for just a few minutes each night, for example, she has found the “stress and tension in my back just melts away.”

Kyle Bonnstetter, who worked with chiropractor Dr. Grindstaff to introduce VitalRelease to the world, claims to have rapidly relieved his nagging back pain using VitalRelease. He claims, “For the first time in years, I was moving without pain” after using VitalRelease regularly.

Kyle’s friend, Greg, also relieved his ongoing back pain with VitalRelease. He described the device as “incredible” and started “moving with an ease” he hadn’t had in ages, thanks to VitalRelease. He described the experience as “a deep tissue massage, but better.” Greg and Kyle could golf again together within a few weeks – something they had struggled to do with their back pain.

Another friend of Kyle’s, Sarah, also experienced rapid relief from back pain using VitalRelease. She spent long days at the office, hunched over her computer. She started using it at her desk and would take quick decompression breaks. Soon, she felt “more productive and energized at work than she had in years,” thanks to VitalRelease.

Order VitalRelease today and enjoy back pain relief at home. Only $9.95 shipping.

VitalRelease Pricing

VitalRelease normally costs $114. As part of a 2024 promotion, however, you can get VitalRelease for “free” – pay a shipping fee of $9.95. Your purchase includes the physical VitalRelease back pain relief device and a digital product package.


Here’s how pricing works when ordering VitalRelease online today:

  • VitalRelease + Bonuses: $0 + $9.95 Shipping

As part of the 2024 promotion, you’re automatically subscribed to a $39.95 monthly service. That service includes access to the CTU Lifestyle Community. You get 21 days of free access to the community. Then, on the 21st day, you’re charged $39.95 per month – and you’ll be charged $39.95 per month until you cancel.

You can avoid these fees by contacting the manufacturer within 21 days of buying VitalRelease online. You are not obligated to continue your subscription. To cancel and avoid charges, email support@ctulifestyle.com or call 1-866-710-2525.

VitalRelease Refund Policy

VitalRelease comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. You have 60 days to try VitalRelease. If you’re unhappy, contact the manufacturer to request a refund. You need to return the physical VitalRelease back pain relief device to receive your refund. The digital products, however, are yours to keep.

Start feeling better with VitalRelease. Pay just $9.95 shipping—order now!

About CTU Lifestyle, LLC

VitalRelease is sold online by a health and wellness brand, CTU Lifestyle, LLC.

That company is led by Kyle Bonnstetter, a 50-year-old father of three who lives in Franklin, Tennessee. After suffering from back pain for most of his adult life, Kyle discovered spinal decompression therapy in partnership with a chiropractor named Dr. Grindstaff. After experiencing relief, Kyle and Dr. Grindstaff decided to share their program via VitalRelease.

You can contact CTU Lifestyle and the VitalRelease customer service team via the following:

  • Email: support@ctulifestyle.com
  • Phone: 1-866-710-2525

Final Word

Kyle Bonnstetter and his team at CTU Lifestyle, LLC, have launched VitalRelease, a new back pain relief device.

Featuring chiropractor-approved technology, VitalRelease targets spinal stress, which is often the root cause of back pain. By releasing tension between vertebrae, VitalRelease can help provide long-lasting relief from stiffness and back pain.

Visit the official website to learn more about VitalRelease or to buy the back pain relief device online today.


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